Increases, increases and more increases in raw materials and, in this specific case, increases in the cost of wheat.
Durum wheat for the production of pasta, and in Sicily also for the production of bread, and soft wheat for the production of sweets, biscuits and bread. Rather than talking, hypothesizing, and writing about percentages of the increases, we immediately ask our rulers to activate, as soon as possible, measures to counter the real, serious and most widespread problem … that of speculation. We therefore ask the Regional Agriculture and Productive Activities Departments to organize a meeting with all the social parties involved (farmers, pasta factories) to curb a further surge in the prices of the finished product and find, all together, a possible path of concerted development through an important and real change in our agriculture to regain a primacy that our ancestors, with rudimentary and poor means, had managed to obtain and develop: Sicily, the granary of Europe.
We defend our products, our grains and our pasta from any speculation. Pasta is the queen product of our tables, and this is why we must aim for and demand quality with a fair and sustainable price for the entire supply chain, with transparency and clarity. Speculative policies, let us remember, are ultimately paid for only by consumers and we cannot allow this.